AMU Last Year MBBS Exam Paper 2013
Let us elaborate the question paper and have a detailed analysis section wise.
There were a total of 200 questions.
The majority of questions were based on topics –
Ø Diseases, both plants and animals.
Ø Names of discoverers and inventors.
Ø Important dates and places.
Ø Cycles such as kerb’s cycle, photorespiration cycle, and photophosphorylation cycles.
Ø Formulas of respiration (tidal volume, IRV, ERV, inspiratory capacity, residual volume) and their relationship.
Ø Ecology and environment.
The Biology Section was actually easy to follow.
· The most confusing questions included specific names and dates and places involving various experiments so you might want to get that part cleared up.
· Remember the important people like “the father of genetics”, “the father of ecology” etc.
· In addition to that, remember details such as the places they come from, the origin of certain words and meanings (like meristem arrived from Greek word meristos which means divided) OR (Katherine Esau, a great name in the world of plant anatomy was born in Ukraine).
Remembers the dates of various treaties and meetings and operations. (Like The Montreal Protocol of 1987).
Questions related to diseases, their symptoms and cures and causes are frequently put up. Make a list of all the diseases and their causes and symptoms. , include all viral, bacterial, pathogenic, hereditary, and chromosomal and caused by pollution diseases. You can also include the prevention tips as bullet points. For instance :
Knock Knee Syndrome
Fluorides pollutants, bone infection, obesity, rickets
Knee pain, gap between ankles, knees stuck close.
No known prevention
No proper cure
Severe surgeries, night braces
This way, you’ll be able to answer about almost everything related to any disease.
Note down the biological cycles. Start from Glycolysis, Kerb’s cycle, Light and Dark reactions; include photosystems, photorespiration and phosphorylation cycles. Make a note of all the stages and all the enzymes used.
The question could be asked about any stage of the cycle or about the formation of any enzyme. (For e.g. in photorespiration, glycine enters from which state? ANS- Succinyl coenzyme A to Succinic Acid.) OR (Acetyl coenzyme A is formed during the process of Glycolysis.)
There can be many questions related to Ecosystem and Environment. The ones that were raised in 2013 were related to the vulnerable and endangered species of plants and animals.
· Make a note to revise the names of all the National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves and their year of establishment, their population and any sort of environmental activities related to them.
· Keep your concepts clear about the population curves and ecosystem pyramids and their orientation (upright or inverted).
PHYSICS section
There were a total of 50 questions.
The majority of questions were based on-
Ø Bridges ( potentiometer )
Ø Zener diode
Ø Current electricity
Ø Magnetic effect of current
Ø moment of inertia
Ø optics (light, reflection and refraction)
Ø transistors
Ø Sound waves
· Usually, a medical entrance paper includes direct formulae based questions for Physics but the AMU MBBS Entrance Paper 2013 had a fair share of application based questions. So those who are going to sit for the papers in next year have enough time to get their hands on a few engineering entrance papers and practise the twisted physics questions. For those who are going for an attempt this year, don’t start practising such questions now, rather try solving the mock papers and strengthen your concepts.
· It’s not at all important for the same pattern to be repeated in two successive exams so Do Not expect all application based questions this year.
· Keep the formulas cemented in your head.
· Keep the concept of thermodynamic relations clear. (For e.g. the work done by three gases on three different processes namely isothermal, isobaric and adiabatic will be in the order w2>w1>w3).
· Keep the bridge equations fresh in your memory. There isn’t enough time to derive the equations in the exam and the question asked on this topic is usually application based.
· Also, keep the moment of inertia, laws of momentum and motion formulas fresh in your mind.
· The n-p-n and p-n-p transistors, the three major configurations (common emitter, common collector and common base) were majorly asked in 2013. Also, these are scoring topics that are frequently asked.
· The unit ‘Magnetism’ and ‘Gravitation’ include questions related to magnetic/gravitational potential and potential energy. Practise those.
· Keep a smooth hand over the collision problems and the projection problems.
There were a total of 50 questions.
The majority of questions were based on-
Ø block elements(s,p,d and f)
Ø hydrocarbons
Ø amines, cyanides and amides
Ø solutions
Ø chemical bonding
Ø states of matter
· The Chemistry section is straight, as usual. You need to have strong concepts for it but if you are in practise then you don’t need to worry much about it.
· Make sure you know the periodic table very nicely. There are a lot of possibilities that are frequently included in the paper like finding the transition series or the order of elements depending on various criterions such as on the basis of electron gain enthalpy or size or radius.
· See the shapes and orientation and hybridisation state of different compounds. (Pyramidal or octahedral or tetrahedral or square planer and 3 others).
· Not every question in chemistry is an easily answered one. There were some twisted ones in the paper of 2013 such as finding the boiling point of solutions and then arranging them in an order. There could be others such as finding the melting point, vapour pressure, osmotic pressure, Practise those questions.
· Know your way around determining the strongest bases among amines.
· General organic chemistry, reactions and products (intermediate as well as final).
· Remember particular methods for particular reactions like the Esterification reaction, Hoffman Bromide reaction (for reducing isocyanides to amines), Kjeldahl method, as they are asked directly in the paper.
May be you are now clear with What is usually asked in AMU MBBS Entrance Exam and the Question Paper Pattern.
This review of AMU Medical Entrance paper 2013 has been done by Experts on hand, kindly comment back for queries.